the CLOUD FOSSIL collection
The creations of Kitchen Island Creative Design are intended to be utilized as tactile tools for cultivating and nurturing healthy, strong relationships with our selves and with the broader systems we are a part of.
The ecopsychology-based perspective of Kitchen Island considers a system, such as a person or planet, a watershed, a foodshed, etc, on the scales of the BODY, ISLAND, and PLANET.
The COASTLINE design represents the potency, the dynamism, and the resilience of the place where water and land greet. Islands as geographical land masses surrounded by water are systems of constant flux between the land mass, the body of water that encompasses it, and the forces acting on these. While the coastline may be interpreted as the boundary between land and water, it is always their connecting point. Water and land are in constant interaction with each other here and undergoing recurrent cycling and transformation from our Earth system’s relationship to other celestial bodies.
As you carry this lil handmade planet with you, may you muse on the transformative power alive in yourself in the fullest multiplicity of your being as a body, an island, a planet, and divine form of galactic rock and water.
Thank you so much for supporting
Kitchen Island!
If you love it,
please spread the word!
And always remember that
”we are the music makers,
and we are the dreamers
of dreams.” – Willy Wonka
Leap Day Collection
The Leap Day Collection is a series of prints Lilly has published through Kitchen Island Creative Design.
pencil illustration
Stroke the Breeze Series
Stroke the Breeze
Sagebrush Tree
Driftwood Fossil
Portrait of the Queen Dancing with the Breeze
Honeyjug Sea Dream
Honey Gold Breeze Stroke
Morning Birdsong/ Evening Tide
Gnome Home
Mama Bear Burrito
Lil Lion Prince at Night
Inside Voice
Earthquake Milkshake
Phoenix Embers
Cloud Fossil Freeze Dance
Cloud Fossil Improvisation No. 1
Cloud Fossil Improvisation No. 2
Cloud Fossil Improvisation No. 3
Cloud Fossil Improvisation No. 4
Cloud Fossil Kiln Dream
by Lilly Xian
Burlington, VT
February 2019
One of the most important lessons that I have come across
regarding the power of artistic creation is that the process is
as much the core of the handiwork as the beholden gem itself.
Between flying the coop and continuing to exist in the world,
the citizens of planet Earth mirror hummingbirds as fledglings
and learning peers, mastering flight and evolving over time
with flowering plants to carve a contemporary context
that models relationships in the natural world. As we engage in
energy and resource cycling with other inhabitants of the Earth,
we merge and reform, and inversely reflect the nature of
the former parts that marble and blend as physical form
follows artistic rendering and we self-pollinate our mental games
and the extant global pool that is worldwide media culture.
The artistic process, like all works of life, comprises of an improvised
series of steps and mini-transformations that are exercises in
problem solving through obstacle navigation and
chasing curiosity’s tail as it soars through the air
and dips in dodging dance and tilt-o-whirling axial direction.
In a life of and within systems of energy and matter exchange,
restructuring of the mental images and sensorial interpretations of
the internal landscapes of service, occupation, and necessity
brew together in a transmutable fondue of recreation, leisure,
taste, and royal presence serves to exploit the parts of life
as a singular human body that juxtapose the universal experiences
of blyssful wholeness to understand through fragmentation
and subsequent reconstruction.
…sipping sweet liquid sunshine, the gilded chocolate river dream,
the lifegiving elixir of ambrosia…